


Susan Welch Dean of the College of the Liberal Arts
Professor of African American Studies
Clarence Lang, Susan Welch Dean of the College of the Liberal Arts
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Liberal Arts Professor of English
Mark Morrisson
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Advancement
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Amy Allen-2
Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Distinguished Professor of Political Science
D. Bennett
Senior Assistant Dean for Online Education and Outreach
Avis Kunz

Administrative Leadership

Director of Strategic Communications
S. Hessert
Director of the Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity
Earl Merritt-2
Director of Grants and Contracts
Rocco Zinobile
Senior Director of Development and Alumni Relations
Lydell Sargeant

Undergraduate Studies Leadership

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Liberal Arts Professor of English
Mark Morrisson
Director, Chaiken Center for Student Success
Klug_Patricia_2 (1)
Director, Office of Digital Pedagogies and Initiatives
Kevin Conaway
Director, Academic Advising
Greg Nolan
Director and Career Coach, Career Enrichment Network
Katie Wysocki

Research and Graduate Studies

Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Distinguished Professor of Political Science
D. Bennett
Administrative Coordinator for Graduate Studies
Robin Chakravorty
Assistant Director of Research Funding, Planning, and Operations
Susan Johnson
Administrative Support Assistant for the Associate Dean
Alena Sunderland
Director of Grants and Contracts
Rocco Zinobile

Alumni Relations and Development

Future Students
CURRENT Students
Graduate Students
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