Jordan Garrigan

Step inside the classroom

Our students are not just pursuing a high-quality, globally respected Penn State education—you’re recognizing problems, creating solutions, and using your Liberal Arts education and out-of-classroom experiences to make it happen. 

You’re not just scholars—you’re entrepreneurs, campus leaders, activists, founders, creators, inventors, and more. And once you’ve earned your degree, you’ll be prepared to go out in the world and do even greater things. 

But while you’re here with us, we want to make sure you’re receiving the support and guidance you need to be successful. Learn more about our academic resources below.  

Three students in a Spanish class sit on a bench outside Willard Building on a nice day.
Three students in a Spanish class sit on a bench outside Willard Building on a nice day.
Lauren Halberstadt, assistant teaching professor of Spanish, teaches her Spanish class outside Willard Building.
Lauren Halberstadt, assistant teaching professor of Spanish, teaches her Spanish class outside Willard Building.

Academic Integrity

As a student in the College of the Liberal Arts, it’s critical to remember that you’re part of an academic community in which the sharing and advancement of knowledge is a core value. To that end, the college—and the University at large—enforces high standards of academic integrity to ensure our intellectual enterprise operates at the highest standards.  

Honoring the principles of academic integrity is a fundamental responsibility for all students, and the college is dedicated to maintaining an environment in which practicing academic integrity is the norm. We have a number of resources in place to help you understand all policies and procedures.  

Academic Recovery

In order to earn a high-quality degree from the College of the Liberal Arts, it’s critical to ensure your long-term academic success. Students who fail to make adequate progress towards maintaining at least a 2.00 cumulative gradepoint average (GPA) are placed in academic warning and academic suspension. However, there are steps students can take to get themselves back in academic good standing. The process starts by meeting with the college’s academic recovery specialist, who can discuss challenges that impeded your academic progress and formulate a plan to improve your academics. 

Departments and Degree Programs

With nearly 150 undergraduate majors, minors, integrated undergraduate-graduate degrees (IUGs), associate degrees, and certificates to choose from, the College of the Liberal Arts truly has something for everyone no matter what your academic or career aspirations are. Our programs are intellectually rigorous and continually evolving to meet the needs of an ever-changing world.  

The college is home to highly accomplished teachers and researchers devoted to their individual focuses within the humanities, social sciences, and languages. Each department and program promotes and nurtures your academic journey through in-person and online instruction and research. In addition, our centers and institutes facilitate interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research and outreach geared around numerous subjects of academic and societal importance. 

Honors Education

Pursuing an honors education not only demonstrates your commitment to a high-quality college experience, but it could very well put you at an advantage when the time comes to apply for a job or graduate school. Available to students within and aspiring to the University’s Schreyer Honors College, the Paterno Fellows Program is the college’s signature honors experience and includes enhanced out-of-class requirements. The college also has a couple departmental honors programs. 

The Paterno Fellows Program challenged me by placing me into honors courses that emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills. These are valuable skills that can benefit me not only in my academic pursuits but also in my personal and professional life. Becoming a Paterno Fellow has also granted me the amazing opportunity to join the esteemed Schreyer Honors College.
Brooklynn Jones
Liberal Arts alumna Srishti Ponnala graduated in 2021.
AlumniGlobal and International StudiesPaterno FellowsSchreyer ScholarStudent Organizations

Srishti Ponnala

Global and International Studies
Global and International Studies
Srishti graduated from Penn State with an undergraduate degree in global and international studies and is pursuing her juris doctorate at the University of Wisconsin Law School. While at Penn State, the Paterno Fellow and Schreyer Scholar was heavily involved in World in Conversation — an initiative launched at the University in 2002 to spark meaningful dialogue on public diplomacy and advance human capacity to address and resolve societal issues.
Lenneya Murray traveled to Curaçao over Thanksgiving break in 2022 for an embedded course trip.
Campus LeaderPaterno FellowsSchreyer ScholarStudent Organizations

Lenneya Murray

A Paterno Fellow and Schreyer Scholar, Lenneya has become a leader within the student community since coming to Penn State. She is involved as a member of the Penn State Mock Trial Association and the Penn State Speech and Debate Society, in addition to serving as president of Penn State’s NAACP chapter.
Penn State student, Paris Pavelchik stands in front of the DuPont logo at their office in Midland, Michigan.
Chapel InternsInternshipPaterno FellowsSchreyer Scholar

Paris Pavelchik

Architechtural Engineering
French and Francophone Studies
Mathematics (minor)
Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation (minor)
Music Performance (minor)
Architechtural Engineering
French and Francophone Studies
Mathematics (minor)
Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation (minor)
Music Performance (minor)
Paris, a Paterno Fellow and Schreyer Scholar, spent her summer in Midland, Michigan as a performance building solutions intern with DuPont. She said her internship experience has allowed her to obtain the knowledge and connections she needs to further her career and work toward her professional goal of working historic restoration projects throughout Europe following graduation.
Penn State student, Katelyn Davis will graduate in 2024.
Chapel InternsEconomicsInternshipPaterno FellowsSchreyer Scholar

Katelyn Davis

A Paterno Fellow and Schreyer Scholar, Katelyn, used Penn State and College of the Liberal Arts resources to secure a summer internship with Bates White Economics Consulting in Washington, D.C. The Chapel Executive Internship Program provided her with $5,000, which helped cover the cost of living during her summer. “I could fully participate in after-work events as a result of being able to live in a close area. Bates White was unique in the fact that they had a lot of activities and a very tight-knit culture. It made being away from home more comfortable while I was there this summer.”
Sean Eden blows bubbles on the field at the Penn State-Delaware football game in fall 2023.
Paterno FellowsSchreyer ScholarSociologySpanishStudent Organizations

Sean Eden

Deafness and Hearing Studies (minor)
Spanish (minor)
Deafness and Hearing Studies (minor)
Spanish (minor)
Sean has found numerous ways to pursue his goals and grow personally during his time at Penn State, from his classes to the organizations he’s involved with, to the content he creates on social media. In addition to amassing over half a million followers on TikTok, Sean is deeply involved in THON and the Penn State Sign Language Organization. He hopes his unique combination of interests will lead him to law school after graduation.
Brooklynn Jones is double majoring in criminology and psychology and minoring in sociology.
Paterno FellowsSchreyer ScholarStudent Organizations

Brooklynn Jones

Sociology (minor)
Sociology (minor)
Brooklynn has been involved in voting work since attending high school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she founded her school’s first voting registration club. When she came to Penn State, she joined the newly formed League of Women Voters. She also informs and activates student voters through her sorority Delta Sigma Theta. “Being politically engaged allows you to be knowledgeable and open to change. At the end of the day, we are the future, and we will be the people in these elected offices later in life. Going out and getting educated about the importance of voting or who’s on the ballot, whether it’s a general election or a primary, is very important.”

Dean’s List

A reflection of your academic success, Penn State’s Dean’s List honors students who have earned a grade-point average of 3.50 or higher for the completed semester. This achievement puts you among the top students at Penn State and is a reflection of both your ability and hard work.  


Commencement is the joyous capper to your College of the Liberal Arts and Penn State journey. We want the experience to be a special one for both you and your guests, so you’ll want to make sure to cover all your bases, from notifying the University of your intent to graduate and satisfying all of your degree requirements to knowing where to go and what to wear on the big day.  

A student moves the tassel on their cap at the spring 2023 commencement ceremony
A student moves the tassel on their cap at the spring 2023 commencement ceremony
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