Strengthening the Liberal Arts Community
Alumni volunteer leaders on the Development Council and the Alumni Society Board of Directors serve as advisers to the college, connect Liberal Arts alumni to each other and to Penn State, and facilitate programs that make a difference for our students. In addition to these alumni leaders, we honor outstanding alumni for their service, careers, philanthropy, and accomplishments through our alumni awards each year.

Alumni Society Board of Directors
The Alumni Society Board of Directors helps identify and connect Liberal Arts alumni and friends with the college. Its members encourage all to contribute their time, talent, and resources to provide tangible support for the dean’s priorities involving students, faculty, and programs.
Development Council
The dedicated volunteer leaders on the college’s Development Council serve as top external advisers to the dean. They contribute their time, talent, and resources, with particular focus on alumni relations, communications, and development efforts.
Emerging Alumni Leaders
These mid-career Liberal Arts alumni professionals provide valuable industry information and insight to help shape the future of the college and equip current students for successful postgraduate careers.

Alumni Honorees
At a special banquet each spring hosted by the Alumni Society Board of Directors, outstanding alumni are honored for their service, careers, philanthropy, and accomplishments.