Jordan Garrigan

Step inside the classroom

Our students are not just pursuing a high-quality, globally respected Penn State education—you’re recognizing problems, creating solutions, and using your Liberal Arts education and out-of-classroom experiences to make it happen. 

You’re not just scholars—you’re entrepreneurs, campus leaders, activists, founders, creators, inventors, and more. And once you’ve earned your degree, you’ll be prepared to go out in the world and do even greater things. 

But while you’re here with us, we want to make sure you’re receiving the support and guidance you need to be successful. Learn more about our academic resources below.  

Three students in a Spanish class sit on a bench outside Willard Building on a nice day.
Three students in a Spanish class sit on a bench outside Willard Building on a nice day.
Lauren Halberstadt, assistant teaching professor of Spanish, teaches her Spanish class outside Willard Building.
Lauren Halberstadt, assistant teaching professor of Spanish, teaches her Spanish class outside Willard Building.

Academic Integrity

As a student in the College of the Liberal Arts, it’s critical to remember that you’re part of an academic community in which the sharing and advancement of knowledge is a core value. To that end, the college—and the University at large—enforces high standards of academic integrity to ensure our intellectual enterprise operates at the highest standards.  

Honoring the principles of academic integrity is a fundamental responsibility for all students, and the college is dedicated to maintaining an environment in which practicing academic integrity is the norm. We have a number of resources in place to help you understand all policies and procedures.  

Academic Recovery

In order to earn a high-quality degree from the College of the Liberal Arts, it’s critical to ensure your long-term academic success. Students who fail to make adequate progress towards maintaining at least a 2.00 cumulative gradepoint average (GPA) are placed in academic warning and academic suspension. However, there are steps students can take to get themselves back in academic good standing. The process starts by meeting with the college’s academic recovery specialist, who can discuss challenges that impeded your academic progress and formulate a plan to improve your academics. 

Departments and Degree Programs

With nearly 150 undergraduate majors, minors, integrated undergraduate-graduate degrees (IUGs), associate degrees, and certificates to choose from, the College of the Liberal Arts truly has something for everyone no matter what your academic or career aspirations are. Our programs are intellectually rigorous and continually evolving to meet the needs of an ever-changing world.  

The college is home to highly accomplished teachers and researchers devoted to their individual focuses within the humanities, social sciences, and languages. Each department and program promotes and nurtures your academic journey through in-person and online instruction and research. In addition, our centers and institutes facilitate interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research and outreach geared around numerous subjects of academic and societal importance. 

Honors Education

Pursuing an honors education not only demonstrates your commitment to a high-quality college experience, but it could very well put you at an advantage when the time comes to apply for a job or graduate school. Available to students within and aspiring to the University’s Schreyer Honors College, the Paterno Fellows Program is the college’s signature honors experience and includes enhanced out-of-class requirements. The college also has a couple departmental honors programs. 

The Paterno Fellows Program has emphasized the importance of building a global perspective which motivated me to make the decision to study abroad. I was also able to utilize resources, such as academic advising and career coaching, in the process of applying to the program.
Morgan Zipfel (1)
Morgan Zipfel
DanielZahn (1)
Career Enrichment NetworkCommunication Arts and SciencesEducation AbroadEnglishEnrichment FundingPaterno FellowsPhilosophyResearch

Daniel Zahn

Communication Arts and Sciences
Communication Arts and Sciences
As a student, Daniel, a Paterno Fellow alumnus, participated in a linguistics research project in Bassila, Benin made possible by the Career Enrichment Network, where his research focused on everyday language use.
NoraVanHorn3 (1)
Campus LeaderCareer Enrichment NetworkChineseGlobal and International StudiesInternshipPaterno FellowsPhilosophySustainability

Nora Van Horn

Global and International Studies
Global and International Studies
Nora created a lasting change for sustainability at Penn State. She helped establish the University Park Undergraduate Association’s Department of Sustainability and the University’s Environmental Sustainability Fund to support on-campus sustainability efforts.
Blake-Toliver (1)
Communication Arts and SciencesCriminologyEnglishPaterno Fellows

Blake Toliver

Communication Arts and Sciences minor
Communication Arts and Sciences minor
Blake, a Paterno Fellow alumnus, served as the Black Caucus Representative for the University Park Undergraduate Association and was president of the Multicultural Undergraduate Law Association. “Having a Liberal Arts degree has allowed me to be well-rounded in my studies. This should enable me to bring numerous skills to the table that aren’t limited to only one area of study. This has given me more options in terms of my career pursuits.”
KiaraSmith2 (1)
Enrichment FundingGermanMultidisciplinary StudiesPaterno Fellows

Kiara Smith

Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Nutritional Sciences
German minor
Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Nutritional Sciences
German minor
Kiara spent a summer in Berlin earning credits towards her German minor. “The Paterno Fellows Program and the College of the Liberal Arts helped to fund my trip, which meant that while I was in Berlin I was able to focus more on my experiences and learning than on calculating and worrying about the cost of everything. Instead of staying in my room to save money, I went out and took day trips to places just outside of Berlin and a weekend trip out of Poland; I went to museums and cafes and bars where I got to meet Germans and make German friends.”
KieraSargent (1)
Course SpotlightEnglishPaterno Fellows

Kiera Sargent

Through ENGL 411, Kiera was able to explore Centre County, Pennsylvania both inside and outside the classroom. She said the class was like no other class she’s taken before. The Paterno Fellow most appreciated the conversations and connections she was able to build with the Centre County residents outside of Penn State.
EshaPathak (1)
Campus LeaderEconomicsEIDInternational StudentPaterno FellowsPolitical Science

Esha Pathak

Political Science
Political Science
Esha, from Mumbai, India, used her time at Penn State to make a significant change for international economics students. Thanks to the Paterno Fellow and Schreyer Scholar, these students now get two extra years to find work in the United States before their visas expire.

Dean’s List

A reflection of your academic success, Penn State’s Dean’s List honors students who have earned a grade-point average of 3.50 or higher for the completed semester. This achievement puts you among the top students at Penn State and is a reflection of both your ability and hard work.  


Commencement is the joyous capper to your College of the Liberal Arts and Penn State journey. We want the experience to be a special one for both you and your guests, so you’ll want to make sure to cover all your bases, from notifying the University of your intent to graduate and satisfying all of your degree requirements to knowing where to go and what to wear on the big day.  

A student moves the tassel on their cap at the spring 2023 commencement ceremony
A student moves the tassel on their cap at the spring 2023 commencement ceremony
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