Each year, the college and University offer several awards that recognize students for research and teaching excellence.
Raymond E. and Roberta Lombra Outstanding Graduate Research Award
This award was named in honor of Ray Lombra’s eighteen years of service as an associate dean in the College of the Liberal Arts and recognizes high-quality contributions to the humanities and the social sciences by enrolled graduate students working toward their advanced degrees. Awards are made each year—in the humanities and in the social sciences—for the best articles or books published or forthcoming by graduate students enrolled in the college.
The overriding criterion is excellence. Considerable weight will be accorded to the standing of the journal or the press publishing the research. Normally, papers should be in refereed journals. For forthcoming publications, all requested revisions must be complete by the time of nomination.
Denise Haunani Solomon Outstanding Teaching Award for Graduate Student
This award recognizes graduate students in the College of the Liberal Arts whose accomplishments in the classroom are deemed to be exceptional and who have thus made a significant contribution to the educations of our undergraduate students. In 2012, this award was named for Denise Solomon, former associate dean for research and graduate studies and current Distinguished Liberal Arts Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences. Denise is a wonderful teacher and mentor who embodies the excellence in teaching this award recognizes.
To be considered for this award, a graduate student must:
- be a full-time teaching assistant or have a fixed-term 2 appointment;
- have independent responsibility for a class or classes or be a faculty teaching assistant in a large lecture class;
- have taught at Penn State for at least one year;
- be an M.A., M.F.A., or Ph.D. degree candidate;
- have a minimum grade-point average of 3.00 in graduate work.
Lynn M. Sebulsky Memorial Award
Lynn Sebulsky, long-time graduate coordinator in the College of the Liberal Arts’ Research and Graduate Studies Office (RGSO) was always supportive of new students as they adjusted to graduate school. Lynn was particularly sympathetic to students who were doing well without having received additional support from RGSO or the Fox Graduate School. This award recognizes a second-year graduate student who has done particularly well in their first year at Penn State.
To be considered for this award, a graduate student must:
- be in their second year of graduate work;
- have demonstrated high academic achievement and engagement.
Alumni Association Dissertation Award
This award provides funding and recognition to outstanding full-time doctoral students and is considered to be among the most prestigious available to Penn State graduate students that recognizes outstanding achievement in scholarship and professional accomplishment.
Distinguished Master's Thesis Award
This award recognizes excellence in master’s-level thesis research in any of the disciplinary areas of arts and humanities.
Graduate Student Excellence in Mentoring Award
This award recognizes senior doctoral students for exemplary and effective mentoring of undergraduate and/or new or junior graduate students that significantly contributes to the student’s personal growth, professional development, and/or academic success.
Learn more about the Graduate Student Excellence in Mentoring Award.
Graduate Student International Research Award
This award promotes and supports graduate student international research and scholarship that has potential for global impact. The award is for travel, living expenses, and/or research-related costs.
Learn more about the Graduate Student International Research Award.
Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award
This award recognizes and rewards graduate assistants for outstanding teaching performance.
Learn more about the Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award.
Penn State Alumni Association Scholarship for Penn State Alumni in the Graduate School
This award provides recognition and financial assistance to students who have been admitted to the Fox Graduate School at Penn State as candidates for a graduate degree and who received their undergraduate degree from the University.
Professional Master's Excellence Award
This award recognizes individual student excellence in a professional master’s degree program under the Fox Graduate School, in any discipline, based upon the student’s academic record in the graduate program and the quality and impact of the student’s culminating experience, including creative works, performance, and projects conducted in a professional setting.
Learn more about the Professional Master’s Excellence Award.
Ronald L. Filippelli and Avis L. Kunz Award for Professional Masters Students in the College of the Liberal Arts
This award is given to students who are pursuing professional master’s degrees in the College of the Liberal Arts, either through residential instruction or online through World Campus.
A call is sent out early in the fall semester outlining the nomination procedures for these awards.