Technical Writing

Technical Writing Minor
The minor in Technical Writing responds to the growing need in business, industry, and government for people who can communicate the results of technical work at a level of competence substantially above that usually found in beginning professionals. Indeed, industry and government leaders testify repeatedly that professional success depends both on excellent professional work and on the powerful communication of that work. This 18-credit minor provides all undergraduate students, regardless of college or major, the opportunity for concentrated work in technical writing.
Degree Types: Minor


  • Advanced Technical Writing and Editing
  • Rhetorical Theory and Practice
  • Science Writing
  • Writing for the Web
  • Advanced Business Writing

Out-of-Classroom Experiences

Post-Graduation Opportunities

  • Graduate school to study business or communications
Business, Communications, Government, Industry, Marketing

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This program is housed 

in the Department of English 
at Penn State University Park.
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