Public Policy (M.P.P.) and Communication Arts and Sciences (B.A./B.S.) 

Public Policy (M.P.P.) and Communication Arts and Sciences (B.A./B.S.) 
This integrated undergraduate-graduate (IUG) degree program provides an opportunity for academically strong students to complete a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree in Communication Arts and Sciences and a master’s degree in Public Policy in the course of approximately five years of study. Students in the M.P.P. are required to complete an elective specialization of four courses. Students in the Communication Arts and Sciences-M.P.P. IUG will take four 400 and 500 level courses in their fourth year of study that will double count for both the B.A./B.S. and M.P.P. At least two of these will be at the 500 level. The students’ IUG specific program of study will be structured on an individual basis giving IUG students a range of program options from the menu of course selections summarized below.
Degree Types: Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate
Public Policy CAS IUG

About the Program

You might like this program if…

  • The Public Policy curriculum and Communication Arts and Sciences curriculum require similar analytic skills and provide complementary substantive knowledge – understanding communication and rhetoric helps students to understand how communication about public policy shapes their acceptance and effectiveness, among other outcomes.

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This program is housed 

in the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences and the School of Public Policy 
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Graduate Students
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