Public Policy and Leadership Across Sectors

Public Policy and Leadership Across Sectors
The Public Policy and Leadership Across Sectors (PPLAS) minor introduces students to the policymaking process, the practice of policy analysis, and public service values. Recognizing the importance of cross-sector collaboration as part of the policymaking process, the PPLAS minor also equips students with the necessary leadership skills to develop a multi-sector approach to solving complex public policy issues.
Degree Types: Minor

About the Program

You might like this program if…

  • You are passionate about effecting positive societal change.
  • You are eager to make an impact in your community and beyond.
  • You want to understand how public policies are developed and evaluated in the real world.
  • You are interested in learning more about cross-sector leadership and collaborating with stakeholders across the private, public, and non-profit sectors.
  • You see yourself as a future leader, whether in government, private industry, or the non-profit sector.


  • Public Policy Process
  • Policy Analysis
  • Cross-sector Leadership

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This program is housed 

in the School of Public Policy 
at Penn State University Park.
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