Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies BA
Medieval Studies is an interdisciplinary field that ranges widely across periods and geographies. We usually imagine the Middle Ages as the millennium between the end of classical antiquity and the start of the Renaissance. But concepts and institutions that we take as distinctively modern—the individual, companionate marriage, the state, vernacular languages as expressions of national identity—begin in the Middle Ages. And the Middle Ages return as a powerful source for imaginative expression in the art and literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and in digital culture in the twenty-first century.
Degree Types: Bachelor of Arts, Minor

Degree Options

  • History
  • Art History
  • Philosophy

About the Program

You might like this program if…

  • You want to grow as an analytical thinker with good writing skills, the ability to synthesize disparate materials, and a deep sense of context.
    You have an interest in studying a rich and dynamic period, and wish to further understand the time through its history, literature, philosophy, and culture.


  • Medieval History
  • Culture
  • Philosophy
  • Religion

Out-of-Classroom Experiences

Czech Republic
_0023_Czech Republic
Students in CAMS/HIST 199 Roman Cities at Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence, Italy in June 2022

Post-Graduation Opportunities

  • Graduate school to study management and organizational leadership, meieval and early modern studies, medieval history, and viking and medieval Norse studies
Archiving, Business, Medicine, Museum Curatorship, Publishing, Teaching

Have questions about this program?

This program is housed 

in the Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies 
at Penn State University Park.
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