
Chinese BA
The Chinese program provides students with an opportunity to concentrate on acquiring expertise in an important modern language and its culture. Giving students a strong working knowledge of the Chinese language and understanding of Chinese culture, the program can help prepare students for work in contexts where the language and culture are pertinent, to live and work in Sinophone areas of the world as informed and capable individuals equipped with appropriate intercultural skills and awareness, or for graduate study in China-related fields. Graduates may work in government service, domestic and foreign offices, or international agencies. Many go on to teach English in China, or to do translation work. Employment may also be available with trade organizations, international banks, or U.S. companies abroad. Domestic and multinational companies are increasingly seeking employees with backgrounds in multicultural studies as a way of dealing with the global market.
Degree Types: Bachelor of Arts, Minor

Degree Options

  • Asian Studies
  • Global and International Studies
  • Political Science
  • Business

About the Program

You might like this program if…

  • You are interested in Chinese language, culture, history, and society.
  • You want to live or work in a Sinophone country.
  • You are aiming for a career involving travel to Sinophone countries and interaction with native speakers of Chinese.


  • Chinese Language
  • Chinese Film and New Media
  • The Great Books of China
  • Culture and Trends in China
  • Gender and Sexuality in China

Out-of-Classroom Experiences

  • AlphaSights
  • Penn State Division of Development and Alumni Affairs
  • Imerys
South Korea
_0002_South Korea

Post-Graduation Opportunities

  • Medical school
  • Graduate school to study criminology, chinese, developmental and stem cell biology, history, accounting, and marketing
Consulting, Education, Finance, Management, Sales

Have questions about this program?

This program is housed 

in the Department of Asian Studies 
at Penn State University Park.
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