There are several ways to get funding as a graduate student in the College of the Liberal Arts, including assistantships; monetary awards and grants offered by the college, University, and external funding sources; and the Graduate Internship Program.
The most common form of graduate funding comes from having an assistantship. While it is unusual for master’s students to receive assistantships, nearly all students in Ph.D. programs receive a multi-year assistantship or fellowship when they enter the program.
Assistantships include a stipend, tuition remission, and a subsidy for medical insurance. Students are assigned to a faculty adviser who supervises the experience. Graduate assistants support undergraduate instruction or undertake research projects, depending on the type of assistantship.
Assistantships are awarded to students by their graduate major program during admission. Appointments are made based on student qualification, availability of funding, and admission to the department and Graduate School as a degree student.
Types of Assistantships
There are two types of assistantships offered to graduate students: teaching assistantships and research assistantships. Teaching assistants often help grade assignments, tutor students, attend lectures, and hold labs. Research assistants typically work with faculty on upcoming research and will help summarize previous research, code articles, administer surveys, and analyze information.
Students must meet certain requirements to attain and maintain their assistantship.
- Have a 3.00 grade-point average or higher after each assistantship semester.
- Teaching assistants must participate in a teaching assistant training program.
- Maintain full-time academic status.
Requirements for International Students
All new international teaching assistants must take and pass a test of spoken English. Details of the procedures for meeting these requirements may be obtained during departmental orientation or by contacting the Department of Applied Linguistics.
Appointment Schedules
The student normally schedules 9–14 credits per semester (5–7 per six-week summer session), receives a stipend plus a grant-in-aid of resident education tuition, and performs tasks that, on average, occupy approximately ten hours per week.
The student normally schedules 9–12 credits per semester (4–6 per six-week summer session), receives a stipend plus a grant-in-aid of resident education tuition, and performs tasks that, on average, occupy approximately twenty hours per week.
The student normally schedules 6–8 credits per semester (3–4 per six-week summer session), receives a stipend plus a grant-in-aid of resident education tuition, and performs tasks that, on average, occupy approximately thirty hours per week.
Credit Load by Appointment Schedule
Level of Assistantship | Minimum Credits Per Semester | Maximum Credits Per Semester | Minimum* Credits Per 6-week Summer Session | Maximum* Credits Per 6-week Summer Session |
Quarter-Time | 9 | 14 | 5 | 7 |
Half-Time | 9 | 12 | 4 | 6 |
Three-Quarter-Time | 6 | 8 | 3 | 4 |
Monetary Awards and Grants
Below you will find a listing of funding opportunities offered through the college, University, and external agencies for graduate student dissertation, research, and tuition support.
College Opportunities
University and External Opportunities
Graduate student researchers are encouraged to apply for external support from major national funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, or National Humanities Center. Students work with faculty once they arrive on proposals for additional support through the college’s Office of Grants and Contracts office. The college’s External Funding Incentive Award (linked above) supports students in their work to apply for external funding.
Center and Institute Fellows Program
Students eligible to receive a Humanities Dissertation Release may also apply to be designated a Center/Institute Fellow with a specific College of the Liberal Arts Center or Institute. Students may apply to be a Fellow with the Africana Research Center, the Humanities Institute, the Rock Ethics Institute, the Center for American Literary Studies, the Center for Language Acquisition, the Center for Democratic Deliberation, and the George and Ann Richards Civil War Era Center.
Students will be designated as a Fellow with one specific Center or Institute within the College of the Liberal Arts. Fellows will receive an additional award in the form of a $1,000 award to support their research and related activities, be affiliated with the Center or Institute and have opportunities to participate in (and in some cases even plan) some of its activities, share common experiences with others affiliated with the Center or Institute, and share work in progress with faculty and other graduate students. In some cases, recipients of Center and Institute awards will be invited to use workspace in a Center or Institute. In all cases, students will profit from stimulating research environments and gain recognition for their affiliation with a Center or Institute. Precise activities will be specified in acceptance letters from the respective Center and Institute directors.
Please note that all Humanities Dissertation Release guidelines must be followed for participation in this program.
How to Apply
The Office of Research and Graduate Studies will send out a call for the Center/Institute Fellows Program early in the spring semester. Students who wish to be considered should submit an application packet and an Information Summary Form (available from the Directors of Graduate Studies) to their department.
Applications should include:
- A cover letter including (a) a brief description of the dissertation project and its connection with the focus of the Center or Institute to which the student is applying; (b) status of the dissertation proposal; (c) a timetable for completing the dissertation; (d) a statement explaining the student’s interest in participating in the activities of the Center/Institute while engaged as a fellow; (e) a statement clearly indicating preference between a fall or spring release
- A completed Information Summary Form
- Verification memo from the Director of Graduate Studies indicating eligibility for a Humanities Dissertation Release for the corresponding academic year
- A curriculum vitae (no more than three pages)
The associate dean will review submitted applications and send them to centers and institutes for consideration.
Selections will be made by the center and institute directors. Those not selected for a Center or Institute Award, if otherwise eligible, will be granted a department dissertation award.
Notifications will be made by May 1.
External Funding Incentive Award
This incentive program is designed to encourage graduate students to develop and submit competitive applications to external agencies for research funding or fellowship support. The incentive consists of a $500 award for first-time submissions to a particular agency, and a $250 award for resubmissions of revised proposals to the same funding agency.
- Applicants must be a full-time graduate student in the College of the Liberal Arts applying for a predoctoral grant or fellowship that is comparable in financial magnitude, duration, prestige and competitive nature to the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, NIH NRSA awards, and similar programs. To confirm eligibility of a program, consult the list below. Contact Alena Sunderland ( to check the eligibility of programs not listed.
- Applicants must exhibit exemplary academic achievement and accomplishments commensurate with those qualities that would position a student to be competitive.
- Applicants must have a defined area of research interest and the support of a graduate faculty mentor who will work with him/her to develop the application, including the research project plan.
- The award must bring a minimum of $7,500 in funding.
- Funds must be received while the student is enrolled at Penn State.
- Normally, in order to provide support broadly through the college, a student may not receive more than one award in any semester (FA, SP, SU). In exceptional circumstances where additional research projects are fundamentally distinct, and where there is a completely different application to another funding source, the Director of Graduate Studies may request an exception. Such a request will require a letter from the dissertation advisor as well as the Director of Graduate Studies.
Note: Only students whose home department is in the College of the Liberal Arts are eligible to receive an award under this program.
Pre-Approved Eligibility List
- AAUW Fellowship
- Berlin Program Dissertation Fellowship, Freie Universitat Berlin
- Brookings Research Fellowship
- Center for Retirement Research
- Chateaubriand Fellowship
- Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
- Doris Duke Fellowships for the Promotion of Child Well-Being
- Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowships for Minorities (Diversity Fellowship)
- Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
- Fulbright
- Graduate Research Fellowship for Criminal Justice Statistics
- Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
- International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF)
- IREX (International Dissertation Research and Exchange Board)
- Josephine de Karman Fellowship
- Juran Fellowship for Joseph M. Juran Center for Leadership in Quality
- Language Learning
- Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship
- Mellon Foundation Institute of Historical Research
- Mind and Life Institute
- National Foundation of Jewish Culture Fellowship
- National Institute Of Justice (NIJ)
- NIH Blueprint Diversity Specialized Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Advancement in Neuroscience
- NIH Kirschstein NRSA Fellowship
- NSF Fellowship
- NSF Dissertation Research Funding
- Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
- Spencer Foundation (Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation/Newcomb Fellowships)
- SSRC (Social Science Research Council) Application Procedure
- Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
- William Orr Dingwall Foundation’s Neurolinguistics Fellowship
How to Apply
A hard copy or electronic copy of the Intent to Submit Form and timeline and any corresponding material in PDF form must be sent to Alena Sunderland in the Office of Research and Graduate Studies in 105 Sparks Building or via email at
- Prior to the student submitting a proposal to the respective external sponsor, the College must be notified of the student’s intent. This notice must be submitted by the sponsoring faculty member with the following:
- A completed Intent to Submit Form, which includes the signature of the sponsoring graduate faculty member
- A statement that clearly identifies the timeline for submission
Note: If a student has previously received the award, the sponsoring graduate faculty member is asked to explain how the proposal is substantively different.
- Once a completed proposal has been submitted to the funding source, the sponsoring graduate faculty member must provide confirmation of the submitted proposal (forwarding electronic confirmation of the application received from the funding agency by email is sufficient). Upon receipt of confirmation of submission, the student’s award will be processed.
- Acceptance of the external funding application incentive award commits the student or faculty sponsor to communicate the outcome of the application to the College; that information can be sent via email to Alena Sunderland at
Deadline for Applications
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year (i.e., there is no specific call for nomination or deadlines). Applications received after June 1st cannot be awarded until the next fall semester.
All applications that require an official institution signature must go through this office, but all students (and their advisors) are welcome to seek advice on any part of the application process. Students should not wait until the last minute to seek advice. For applications submitted through this office, notification four weeks in advance of the deadline is recommended.
Additional Funding Resource
The Graduate School is often made aware of individual funding opportunities for graduate students. When the Office of Fellowships and Awards Administration receive information on funding prospects, it compiles the information into a database of external awards. This database, however, is limited to the information that is received by the office; therefore, it should not be considered inclusive. Your adviser and department faculty and staff are knowledgeable sources of additional information and should be consulted directly.
Humanities Dissertation Release
Humanities Dissertation Release funds make it possible for the College of the Liberal Arts to provide releases from teaching or related service to humanities students who are supported on assistantships and working on their dissertations. This program is meant to complement, not replace, existing programs such as the RGSO Dissertation Awards and Humanities Institute Summer Residencies.
- To be eligible for a Humanities Dissertation Release, students’ home department must be within the College of the Liberal Arts, students must be ABD and be supported on an assistantship for the period covered by the dissertation release. Fixed-term faculty are not eligible for dissertation releases. Unless the associate dean approved an exception under special circumstances, it is assumed that departments will continue to pay regular assistantship stipends and tuition grant in aids for students receiving awards during the fall and spring semesters.
- Dissertation releases will be paid for with a $7,500 grant to departments, to cover the cost of replacing the student in their teaching or research assistantship capacity; or a $3,000 award to students directly, in the case of a summer release. To participate, departments must fully replace the teaching responsibilities or other departmental duties of students who receive a dissertation release so that students may work full time on the dissertation. In other words, the students cannot be given a partial release from teaching or other duties; they must be given a complete semester release. Departments that violate this understanding will be dropped from the program. Students should also not take on wage positions or other paid university work during their release semester without prior approval from their DGS as well as the Senior Associate Dean of Graduate Studies.
- Students are expected to remain in residence at University Park during the period of the release unless they receive permission from their Graduate Director to travel for the sake of research or other legitimate academic purposes.
- The associate dean’s office serves as a clearinghouse to determine eligibility. Students will be deemed eligible when their department’s Graduate Director certifies that the student has completed an acceptable dissertation proposal.
- To facilitate planning, graduate directors will be asked to estimate students’ eligibility for the following academic year. Only students who complete accepted dissertation proposals by August (fall awards) or December (spring awards) will receive the Humanities Dissertation Release. Graduate Directors should have reason to anticipate that students will clear all hurdles when making estimates (so that planning can be effective in departments and in the Associate Dean’s office). Only in extraordinary cases will students be given a release when the Graduate Director has not indicated their likely eligibility beforehand.
- In order to participate, departments may not provide a second semester of release time for the dissertation. However, students may apply to other programs giving service-free semesters such as the RGSO Dissertation Competition, center or institute predoctoral Fellowship programs, and external fellowships. Second semester dissertation releases from the RGSO Dissertation Support Competition will be granted only after the Humanities Dissertation Release semester.
- It is understood as a condition of receiving any form of dissertation support that students will present their work at the spring Graduate Exhibition unless their dissertation research has already been presented at the exhibition. Those affiliated with a center or institute may receive additional stipulations in its letter of offer.
How to Qualify and Apply
By October 24 (for spring releases) and May 1 (for fall releases), departments should email Robin Chakravorty a list of students who are expected to be eligible for a Humanities Dissertation Release and a request for which semester the student will take the release. Students do not need to complete a specific application; they will be identified by their department.
Humanities Institute Summer Residency Program
This program provides up to nine students in the humanities with either one course release in the fall or spring semester (GSR program) or a $4,000 summer award (GSSR program). This program enables students to devote an entire semester or the summer to work on their dissertation project. Students are required to be in residence at Penn State University Park for the duration of the grant period.
Learn more about the Graduate Student Scholars in Residence program.
RGSO Dissertation Support
This award, offered by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, supports research-related expenditures associated with a dissertation or release time.
Approximately fifteen to twenty recipients each semester receive a scholarship of up to $2,000 each for research-related expenses OR a one-semester release from all teaching or research assistantship responsibilities. (Note that students in humanities doctoral programs are welcome to apply for a release, which would be in addition to the release they already receive as part of the Humanities Initiative.)
Applications deadlines: September 27 (fall), February 28 (spring). A committee of the directors of graduate studies in the college will evaluate requests; funding decisions will be announced by the end of each semester.
For support of research-related expenditures associated with a dissertation, such as:
- Travel to specialized locations/collections (e.g., archives, libraries, interview sites) (this should not be used for conference travel)
- Payments to subjects/informants
- Photocopying or microfilming costs at archives or libraries
- Phone and/or postage expenses necessary for the research (e.g., surveys)
- Lab or other expendable supplies unavailable through departmental resources
- Special software unavailable through university resources (e.g., foreign language word processing packages, specialized statistical packages)
- Specialized texts unavailable at Penn State or through inter-library loan
OR - For release time from regular teaching or research assistantship responsibilities for one semester (fall or spring).
Funding will not be provided for purposes of a stipend, tuition payments, dependent support, or for typing or reproduction of the dissertation itself.
- Candidate must have an approved dissertation proposal (i.e., must be ABD) by the end of the semester in which the application is made, and, normally, must be in residence.
- Humanities students must take their humanities release before they are eligible for the RGSO Dissertation Competition Release. Those who have yet to take their humanities release are still eligible for the RGSO research funding.
- Students who previously applied and did not win are encouraged to reapply.
- Previous winners of release time may apply again for research funding, and previous winners of research funding may apply again for release time. Students may only win research funding once and release time once through this program.
- Only students whose home department is in the College of the Liberal Arts are eligible to receive an award under this program
- Dissertation releases will be paid with a $7,500 grant to departments to cover the cost of replacing the student in their teaching or research assistantship capacity. To participate, departments must fully replace the teaching responsibilities or other departmental duties of students who receive a dissertation release so that students may work full-time on the dissertation. In other words, the students cannot be given a partial release from teaching or other duties; they must be given a complete semester release. Students should also not take on wage positions or other paid university work during their release semester without prior approval from their DGS as well as the Senior Associate Dean of Graduate Studies.
Application Guidelines
Submit the following materials through the Dissertation Proposal Application system. Please advise your director of graduate studies after you have submitted the electronic request so it may be reviewed.
- General information: Competition semester, purpose of support (research or release time), student name, email address, director of graduate studies
- Dissertation information: Title and semester the proposal approved
- Narrative: Description of the thesis, accessible to non-specialist readers, limited to 1000 words
- Work plan: 500 words or less
- Research expenses: an itemized budget is required for those not applying for release time
- Funding from other sources
- Proposed timing of requested expenditures
- Listing of any past or pending financial support
- Vita: Limited to 500 words (approximately two single-spaced pages)
Note: As a condition of receiving a dissertation release, students must participate in the following spring Graduate Exhibition unless their dissertation research has already been presented at the Exhibition.
Summer Tuition Assistance Program
The Fox Graduate School provides tuition support through the Summer Tuition Assistance Program (STAP) for a maximum of 9 credits during the summer sessions for students who meet the eligibility and registration requirements listed below.
STAP is allocated on a first come first served basis and funds are limited.
To be eligible, graduate students must meet one of the following criteria:
- Appointed through the University on a teaching, research, or administrative assistantship the preceding fall and spring semesters
- Appointed through the University on a graduate fellowship/traineeship the preceding fall and spring semesters
It is highly recommended that students consult with their program and advisor to determine the appropriate summer coursework prior to enrolling and submitting their STAP application.
Course requirements
- Courses that apply toward the credit requirements for a graduate degree (i.e., courses at the 400-level or above)
- English as a Second Language (ESL) courses required for international graduate students
- Foreign language courses required by the student’s program (resident instruction only)
In all cases, courses must be required and approved by the student’s graduate program; this includes additional coursework required by a student’s dissertation committee.
Students who need to enroll for a benchmark exam should register for the fewest number of credits required; one (1) credit of 600 for your comprehensive exam or zero (0) credits of 601 for a dissertation defense.
Please allow at least one business day between enrolling and applying for STAP.
Students should not enroll in courses over the summer to avoid FICA tax withholdings on summer assistantships (students are taxed if not enrolled at least half-time; for summer this is five (5) credits), but this is not an appropriate use of STAP funds.
Application Deadline: April 1
Superior Teaching and Research (STAR) Award
The STAR award is a scholarship award given to graduate students in the College of the Liberal Arts who have demonstrated all-around excellence in teaching, research, and service. To be a strong candidate, the students should have established a significant record in each area and excelled in it. Service may include departmental, University-wide, or national service. The award consists of funds that are provided to support specific projects or activities that will advance the students’ professional and scholarly development.
While the awarded funds may support activities that enhance the students’ dissertations, the primary purpose of this award is not to fund dissertation research or conference travel. Our expectation is that award funds will support activities that go beyond typical student activities such as presentations or routine ongoing research. Students can apply for dissertation support through the RGSO Dissertation Support Competition, and departments provide primary support for student conference travel.
The Director of Graduate Studies of the program in which a student is enrolled nominates a student based on merit, considering both the student’s record of accomplishment and the impact of the award on future achievement. The nomination should include a comprehensive overview of the student’s record of superior teaching, research, publications, current GPA, SRTE/SEEQ score evaluations and service that merit recognition. Please be sure to include numerical data where applicable, along with a description of the project and activities of which the award funds will support.
The college gives approximately ten STAR awards each year.
Nomination deadline: September 29 and March 1.
How to Apply
Nominations, which include a cover sheet and nominating statement, should be submitted to Kait Lambert in hard copy to 105 Sparks Building or sent as a PDF via email to
Travel Support
Travel support enables graduate students to present results from their research at the leading professional conference in their field and to present creative work in professional venues. Students who wish to apply for a travel grant should contact their department.
Liberal Arts Sustainability Council
Students at Penn State are encouraged to take a deep dive into the world of sustainable research. Student research, along with important work from faculty, has gone a long way to help members of the College of the Liberal Arts community understand the science and practice of sustainability at Penn State and across the globe.
Academic Computing Fellowship
This program is for doctoral students who have a background and strong interest in computing applications and who will help develop and disseminate new methods for problem solving within their disciplines.
Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration
The Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards Administration (OGFAA) is responsible for facilitating all Graduate School funding programs and awards. Funding programs are available for both incoming and continuing graduate students.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Extramural Support via UCLA
UCLA has compiled a list of external funding opportunities for graduate students.
Graduate Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans via MSU
Michigan State University has compiled a list of external funding opportunities for graduate students at any university.
Graduate School Teaching Certificate
The Graduate School Teaching Certificate was developed to provide graduate students with an avenue to enhance their teaching skills.
Office of Sponsored Programs
The Office of Sponsored Programs provides central coordination and oversight of Penn State-sponsored projects.
Office of Student Aid
The Office of Student Aid provides information about available aid programs, applying for student financial aid, and costs.
Graduate Internship Program
Given the highly desirable writing, communication, and quantitative skills that our graduate students possess, the Liberal Arts Graduate Internship Program (GRIP) was conceived to connect you with various University units that can most benefit from your expertise.
As a Liberal Arts graduate student participating in the program, you’ll gain:
- Marketable work experience within a unit of a major research university
- Expanded post-graduation job opportunities
- A deeper understanding of the University’s mission and operations
- Release from teaching assistantship or research assistantship responsibilities
How It Works
- As part of your application, the director of graduate studies for your home department will supply a memo that supports candidacy, verifies your good standing, and indicates support from your dissertation adviser. This should be submitted with your application materials.
- Once you’ve successfully interviewed with the unit in question, you’ll be hired to intern for one semester (with the possibility of renewal for a second semester), working twenty hours per week.
- You’ll be released from departmental teaching or research responsibilities for the duration of the internship.
- This program is intended for a one-semester position for students who are making normal academic progress.
- Hosting unit covers the cost of your stipend for the internship semester
- Host unit provides you with extensive mentorship
- College covers the cost of your tuition
Key Deadlines
For fall semester employment:
- Deadline for hiring unit to submit a position to GRIP website: February 15
- Student application deadline: March 15
- Unit deadline for hiring decision: April 15
For spring semester employment:
- Deadline for hiring unit to submit a position to GRIP website: September 15
- Student application deadline: October 15
- Unit deadline for hiring decision: November 15
Available Positions
Accreditation and Assessment Coordinator
School of Public Policy | Fall 2025
The School of Public Policy is undergoing accreditation, and this position would assist the Director of Graduate Studies with the process. Reports must be submitted online to the accreditation association, and this position would help with gathering assessment data, writing drafts of reports, and submitting the materials to the online system. The position would also assist with the required site visit and various reports and materials associated with the site visit.
Job Description:
The School of Public Policy is seeking accreditation from NASPAA for its Master of Public Policy (MPP). In 2024/25, the school is engaged in the self-study process, and the self-study report will be submitted in August 2025. In fall 2025, the accrediting agency will evaluate the self-study report and ask for clarifications and additional data from the school. The school will develop its response in fall 2025, and in early spring NASPAA will provide a report on issues to be covered by the site visit team that it appoints. The site visit will occur in early spring 2026, and the team will issue a report. The school will then provide a response to that report, and in June 2026 NASPAA will vote on whether to approve accreditation.
The accreditation and assessment coordinator will assist the Director of Graduate Studies with gathering the data needed for the reports, working with faculty to gather assessment data on the MPP core classes, analyzing data, coordinating with the graduate studies and other committees on responses to NASPAA requests, helping write drafts of the responses, and helping to submit the materials to the online system. The coordinator will gain experience in the accreditation process and learn about the program from the mission and values to the program learning goals to the class objectives and assessment of student progress
Required Qualifications:
- Attention to detail
- Strong writing skills in English
- Basic data collection
Emily Vargo
Director of Graduate Studies
Application Deadline:
Monday, March 31
Send cover letter and résumé to:
Undergraduate Research and Fellowship Adviser
Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring | Fall 2025
Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring Office is seeking applicants for a half-time graduate assistant to work with applicants for competitive fellowships and undergraduate students seeking research opportunities.
Job Description:
The Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring Office helps students at Penn State and recent alumni in the pursuit of undergraduate research and fellowship experiences. A full listing of programming and services is available at
Graduate assistant duties include (but are not limited to) meeting with students and helping them connect with relevant opportunities; providing written feedback on application materials (i.e., personal statements, research statements, and curriculum vitae); developing and leading presentations that introduce fellowship and research opportunities and facilitating one of the URFM signature programs: the Undergraduate Research Ambassador program or the Spark Fellowship Development Program. This is a half-time position for twenty hours per week with occasional nights and weekends. Options to work remote or hybrid may be considered.
The ideal candidate is a highly motivated individual who works well both independently and as an integral part of our team, approaches working with undergraduate students with enthusiasm, and will explore and develop creative new processes to help the office increase its visibility. Prior experience with undergraduate research or creative inquiry in more than one discipline is preferred, as well as experience with undergraduate fellowship and grant writing.
Required Qualifications:
The successful candidate must be a self-starter who possesses excellent organizational, writing, presenting, and analytical skills. Candidates must be full-time graduate students who have completed their coursework and passed their comprehensive exams at Penn State University Park, fluent in English, and in good academic and conduct standing with the University.
Tineka Lebrun
Application Deadline:
Saturday, March 15
Send cover letter and résumé to:
English Grad Futures Internship in Academic Administration
English Grad Futures Initiative, Department of English | Fall 2025
The English Grad Futures initiative will host an internship for graduate students interested in academic administration, which is one of the few growth areas in higher education. The roving internship supports a graduate student who will shadow, learn from, and be mentored by academic administrative faculty and staff across the College of the Liberal Arts and the Fox Graduate School. The intern will be able to choose participating units depending on interest and alignment with their research fields.
Job Description:
English graduates have the writing, analytical, and organizational skills to transition into administrative positions within universities, which offer more prospects and flexibility than the market in traditional tenure-line jobs. Doctoral recipients who seek tenure-line jobs would likewise benefit from academic administrative experience. While Penn State faculty and staff have opportunities for professional development in academic administration through the Administrative Fellows Program, there is no equivalent program for graduate students in the College of the Liberal Arts. Our pilot internship aims to be a model for more broadly engaging administrative units in graduate student training.
Required Qualifications:
A graduate student in the humanities in good standing.
Hester Blum
Professor of English
Application Deadline:
Saturday, March 15
Send cover letter and résumé to:
Administrative Internship in African Studies Program
African Studies | Fall 2025
Provide additional support to African Studies administrative team in the following areas: streamlining the recruitment procedures and administrative procedures for dual title and African Studies minor. Shadowing the Willard staff in their administrative engagement with (a) students in African Studies (b) African Studies core faculty (c) African Studies affiliate faculty. The assistance will benefit African Studies because of the expansion in African Studies and the relatively new Willard staff.
Job Description:
African Studies is seeking a graduate student who has highly sophisticated interpersonal and administrative potential to work with a new team in a dynamic and rapidly expanding program. The graduate student is expected to shadow the different administrative faculty in Willard who service multiple academic units. The graduate student is expected to assist in the review of existing administrative procedures and assist in the development of new procedures to enable African Studies to function more effectively.
Required Qualifications:
A graduate student in the College of the Liberal Arts who is in good academic standing.
Sinfree Makoni
Director of African Studies
Monena Hall
Administrative Manager
Application Deadline:
Saturday, March 15
Send cover letter and résumé to:
Additional information:
A graduate student who is multilingual and able to interact across diverse racial backgrounds will be ideal.
Emergency Funding
The Liberal Arts Emergency Scholarship Fund assists Liberal Arts undergraduate, graduate, and World Campus students whose circumstances demonstrate a need for temporary financial assistance.