Get ready to venture into the College of the Liberal Arts! We are so excited to have you here on campus and to share our vast academic programs. Please take this time to soak in as much information as possible, and let our team guide you through your college search journey.
This page is a roadmap for today’s Resource Fair—to show you the participating programs, where things are located, times of additional sessions, and how to use your passport. You can also bookmark this page to come back to later to learn more about our degrees.
If you need any help or have additional questions, please visit the Student Services table at the front of the Resource Fair. As your dedicated travel crew, we will gladly help answer your questions.

Your pilot, cruise director,
tour guide…you get the idea
(aka Recruitment Coordinator)
College of the Liberal Arts
Meet Your Travel Companions
- African American Studies
- African Studies
- Anthropology
- Anthropological Science
- Applied Linguistics
- Asian Studies
- Bioethics and Medical Humanities
- Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Communication Arts and Sciences
- Comparative Literature
- Criminology
- Economics
- English
- Global and International Studies Program
- History
- International Politics
- Italian
- Jewish Studies
- Labor and Human Resources
- Linguistics
- Medieval Studies
- Middle East Studies
- Organizational Leadership
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Portuguese
- Psychology
- Recruitment
- Public Policy
- Social Data Analytics
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Student Services
- Women’s Studies
Liberal Arts Careers Sessions
The Liberal Arts Career Enrichment Network will present on what you can do with a liberal arts major. They’ll cover choosing a major, what employers want, how to connect a major to a career, and the services they offer to help students get career-ready.
10:10–10:45 a.m. Liberal Arts Careers Session
11:25 a.m.–noonLiberal Arts Careers Session
Using Your Passport
The passport is a tool for you to collect as much information as possible during today’s event. The department tables have QR code stickers that you may stick on your passport and then scan after you leave. The QR codes will take you to the degree pages on our website.
- Collect your passport from the Student Services table at the entrance.
- Familiarize yourself with the passport—there are helpful tips throughout it to assist you during your time at the Resource Fair.
- Turn to the “Explore the World of the Liberal Arts” page, and find a space on your passport that you want to fill.
- OR find some major tables that interest you and collect your stickers after speaking with the staff at the tables.
- You can collect more than six stickers! There is no limit to the number of stickers you can collect.
- Flip the page and you’ll find helpful conversation starters to get started when talking to department staff.
- Do not be afraid to revisit tables—we are here to answer your questions and if things come up, please come back and ask us!
- Once you’ve completed your passport or finished your browsing of the Resource Fair, show your completed passport to the Student Services table to win a prize!